Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Not just a voice.

when sounds hits a :
• hard surface (plastic, glass, tile, stone, metal) more sound is REFLECTED - higher frequencies are reinforced - sound is brighter and sharper. LIVE
• Sounds bounce back. The larger the space, the greater the reverberation.

when sound hits a :
• soft surface (curtains, couches, rugs) more sound is ABSORBED in particular higher frequencies - sound is more mellow, even dull or muted. DEAD

Surroundings are too "live"
• Move mic closer to subject
• Pull curtains or drape blankets
• Add thick rugs or cushions
• Use upholstered furniture
• Add acoustic panels

Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR, S/N)

Using a shotgun far away can still pick up the mixed waves from a distance, but up close, it can focus on the subject while blocking out surrounding sounds.

"A shotgun requires aim"

Say you have a bag of microphones and you're getting mugged..."The one you want to use to smash in the head of your mugger is the dynamic microphone"

Microphones - Condenser
• Produces very high audio quality
• Can be small
• Needs battery orr phantom electrical power
• Examples - shotgun, lavaliere, miniature.