Thursday, January 24, 2013

Field Production:

Digital Video - How Does This Work?
Pixels to Scenes

+ sequential still images (frames)
There are no "moving" parts or pieces on the screen.
Movement blurs (like a sword swung)

Primary colors? not really but for video it is RED, BLUE, and GREEN.

Interlacing (was limited by our technology...50 years ago) Two fields comprise a frame. All the odd lines are one field and all the even lines are one frame and bam.

Gradually replacing Interlacing is PROGRESSIVE scanning. Used now in Computers and most digital video.

!! Make sure settings match from camera's setting to editing settings 1080p is preferred)

+electronically stored, decimated

Analog copies are like the telephone game, but digital is like sending that message via text.

Compression can work many ways:
Frame (remove frames)
Picture (remove redundant frames)
Color (reduce variety of colors)
Sound (reduce frequencies)


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