Thursday, March 21, 2013
FieldProd: Lighting
Don't shoot interviews in a swivel chair.
Leaning back and forth? Create a deeper depth of field.
zoom lens at the max length gets darker.
Too much noise and grain? Add more lights!!
"It's all light. It's all just this phone"
Intensity (brightness) affects exposure, and is affected by exposure.
Camera settings and physical light sources both effect the intensity of a shot.
Intensity is also effective by DISTANCE and POWER (wattage)
How to maximize existing light:
• Move the subject closer to a light source
• Open up the aperture
• Boost camera gain or select a higher ISO
• Increase the available lighting (turn on some lights, open the curtains)
• Add lighting instruments (reflectors)
How to minimize existing light:
• Move the subject away from the light, or into the shadows
• Close down the aperture
• Add neutral density to the lens or the light source
• Select a lower ISO
• Switch off or block off existing lighting (turn off lights, close curtains or blinds)
How to minimize (control( lighting from professional light sources:
• switch off some lights
• use lower power light sources
• use a dimmer (watch out for effects on color temperature)
• Diffuse the light
• Move the light farther away
• add neutral density to the light
• flood the light (like spreading the light of a flashlight
• bounce the light
hard, harsh, and direct, such as sunlight. Light is concentrated, traveling from the light source or the filament of the lamp directly to the subject. Shadows are sharp.
soft and diffused, such as a cloudy day. Light comes from a "broad" source, reflected off or spread out through a transl##
Dynamic Range
Italian Terminology
Chiaro (Light)
Scuro (Dark)
Light one side of the subject and light the background of the dark side of the subject.
Warm (appears orange)
Cool (appears blue)
Color can have a phycological effect... same image shown in orange and blue tones...note the feeling each can leave.x z