Today we got our supplies (WE STILL NEED TO GET A PORTFOLIO) from his office and stood at our easels! Using newsprint paper, we drew several drafts of some vases and apples arranged in different ways.
Some of the principles he wanted us to focus on were:
LINE - not to shade, but to just get the 3d object in a representational 2d figure.
Proportions - focus on the bigger objects and use those to relate the sizes of the smaller objects.
Unity (kinda) - overlapping objects, he wanted the objects to overlap
We did a normal sketch (took our time) but then he wanted us to draw with our shoulder (and standing). But those were timed, 3 min, 2 min and 1 min sketches! Very kool, but I felt no improvement at all. I went too fast so they still looked like chicken stratch.